Labels:book | booth | bulletin board | cassette tape | compact disk | poster OCR: 500 color image Mar 80 mn of audio 10 mn commentary of-videe 60 mn music Mythological sites 200 pages of text An exceptional collection of documentation and digitalized images Jlastrations Complete narration of four great epies! The Laestryeonia Ulysses Jason pnd the Argonauts Aeneas Hercules Zeus Hades Poseidon Athena Apollo Aphrodite Hermes Index Dionysus Detailed files uo each god goddes Glossary Theogony Artemis and others of Hesiod EMME onfiguration EMME Main Office: INTERACTIVE Windows 486DX orhigher orhighe 16Mb recommended 54, Hotline rue de 1 145 Monceau 61 98 80 75008 Paris Archives SCALA Monitor: 640 480 32.000 colors or more Fax. 1 42 89 1134 @ Acta EMME 2x CD-ROM drive or faster http://emme .com 1996 SoundBlaster card or compatible 1505371202345 Maps video Tastr atons epics La ...